Lake Tahoe Cabins
I found my cabin pictures and logo pictures at the following sites:
World Wide Vacation Homes-www.wwvh.com/129927.htm
Vacation Rentals-www.vrbo.com/vrbo/234.htm
Lake Tahoe Vacation Guide-www.tahoevacationguide.com
Paul and Marie's Cabin-www.spoontail.com/~paul/
Reardon Realty & Rentals-www.reardon-realty.com
Lake Tahoe Cabin-www.members.tripod.com/~tahoecabin
O'Neil Brokers-http://tahoeguide.com/tahoe/SITE/indexlisting.cfm/realestate/3541/0/direct
The satisfied customers picture is a picture of my families cabin in Lake Tahoe and all of the business information is fictional.